Sunday, November 14, 2010

dearly departed


  I will first have to say "WOW".  After the week I had, this was a great way to end the week.  The Show was GREAT!  I don't know who was laughing the most out of the six girls but we all loved it. 

half of the girls going to the show

The cast was great.  Each actor played the part as I would have  imaged.  There were a few scences that Bubby Ray was too soft but I was in front so I heard him.  I will wonder how many black and blues JR got throught out the running ofthe show? His wife was GREAT as well she played the part to a "T".  Delightful well she got the best reviews all of us girls. Even though she didn't speak much she was the hit of each scence ("Sorry guys") I was expecting her to "Fart" with the beans if all was possible and if it would have happen it would have Killed (in a good way) the scene.

I can't say anything bad about this play. it was what my doctor order after having two bad weeks.  I got to spend time with family and friends, laugh until it hurt, and most of all forget my problems for those few hours.

Okay one bad note:  WHERE WAS THE DIRECTOR??? In Broadway the director comes out at the end of the play for their bows.  Lucky I did see you before the play and got to somewhat point you out to my family. BUT They even were upset you didn't come on stage.  You are the director.  people can act yes but the director is the real show behind the show and you deserved your credit. 

me and donna (had to add me)
the two girls the one in the back is my kid and best friend

1 comment:

  1. Gloria,

    This is a very nice response, but the word requirement is 500 words for a performance response. There are under 300 here. I have to deduct for this.
